2019/07 - New paper in "Neurobiology of the Disease" in collaboration with the group of Christian Hübner at the University of Jena
Hits: 1453
2019/07 - New master student Gishnu Harikumar Parvathy
Hits: 1078
2019/07 - Front cover of "Proteomics"
Hits: 1466
2019/06 - ASMS 2019
Hits: 1914
2019/05 - Ali defended his PhD
Hits: 1343
2019/04 - New postdoc Robert Hardt
Hits: 2133
2019/04 - New masters student Pathma Muthukottiappan
Hits: 1061
2019/03 - Proteomics Forum
Hits: 1067
2019/03 - Gordon Conference
Hits: 967
2018/11 - Carmen defended her PhD
Hits: 961